Lee's Summit Total Auto
512 Southwest 3rd Street, Lees Summit, MO 64063 816.525.0414

Tires and Wheels

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Rotation Explanation (Tire Rotation Patterns)

You may notice that when you get your vehicle's oil changed, your service adviser may recommend that you have your tires rotated at the same time.  The reasons are simple.  That will allow y...
Published on: Sep 29, 2024

Simple Answers from Lee's Summit Total Auto for Lees Summit: Tire Rotation and Balancing

{{ image('MzUx') }} Question:How do I know when I should get my tires rotated and balanced?Lee's Summit Total Auto Answer:The interval for tire rotation could depend on a recommendation from either t...
Published on: Apr 06, 2020

Tire Rotation and Balancing

You can make your vehicle tires last longer with regular tire rotation and wheel balancing.Let's start with tire rotation. In normal driving around Lees Summit MO, your front tires wear more on the sh...
Published on: Dec 07, 2019